Why choose us?
1. We are local. Belrose residents for 20 years
2. We provide personal attention
3. Most importantly, WE'RE DIFFERENT....IN A GOOD WAY!
Driver training is MUCH more than passing the test. It's about helping the student be the safest driver they can possibly be.
We looked at the driver training on offer and decided it could do with a revamp.
Young people today are ‘trained’ by social media to have ever decreasing attention spans, so our program is designed to counter that. Our material is consistent, colorful (and colour coded), avoids extensive verbiage and makes extensive use of graphics.
The StreetSafe ‘Safer Drivers for Life’ program is aligned to the material produced by the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) and is designed to make the trainee drivers journey as easy to understand as possible, their safe driving potential to be reached, and to pass their driving test.
The StreetSafe ‘Safer Drivers for Life’ program has four streams:
• Building a Foundation (1-7)• Traffic Skills (8-11)• Low Risk Driving (12-15)• Building Experience (16-20)
Each stream has a number of lessons (indicated by the number in brackets after each stream above.)
The RMS have also colour coded their streams and we have followed the same convention for consistency. So, throughout our program you will see material related to Building a Foundation in green, Traffic Skills in orange, Low Risk Driving in red and Building Experience in blue.
In addition to this core program, we have created unique content to augment and improve the learning experience.
What is the StreetSafe Learning Preference Assessment?
Studies have shown that broadly speaking people learn in one of four ways:
• Visual • Auditory• Kinesthetic• Audio digital
The StreetSafe Learning Preference tool is a quick, easy way to assess what works best for each student. We run this assessment before each training program begins, so we can adjust our approach accordingly.
A screenshot from the tool is shown below:
What is streetSafe Virtual Training?
Studies have shown that the use of driving simulators can reduce anxiety and improve competence in new drivers. Our driving simulator teaches new drivers how to drive online, with graduated pass/fail learning modules, so students can learn in a simulated environment before hitting the road with improved confidence and ability.
A photo of our simulator is shown below:
Structured Lesson Plans
Each stream has a number of sessions, indicated by the number in brackets after each stream above.The RMS have also colour coded their streams and we have followed the same convention for consistency. So, throughout our program you will see material related to Building a Foundation in green, Traffic Skills in orange, Low Risk Driving in red and Building Experience in blue.
Each of our streams has a consistent design, and the coloured border aligns to the aforementioned colour coding. Each stream has a lesson plan for each of the topics. The lessons are aligned to the RMS produced material, for example stream one covers preparing to drive, lesson two covers vehicle controls and so on.
Each lesson plan is the same in layout. The lesson plans cover:
• The road setting• Content covered • Instructional strategy• Resources• Time allowed
Each lesson plan describes the Work, Health and Safety considerations for the lesson. For example, the importance of the correct seating position, the proper use of the position in an automatic gearbox etc.
Each lesson plan has a selection of knowledge checks related to the current topic, plus questions about the preceding topic. For example, in stream 1, lesson 5 ‘Changing Gears’, a question might be, ‘what are the two gearbox positions that can be selected when starting the vehicle?’ (CURRENT lesson). and ‘what are the two methods for turning a steering wheel?’ (PREVIOUS lesson). An example of a lesson plan is shown below:
Each lesson plan has a selection of knowledge checks related to the current topic, plus questions about the preceding topic. For example, in stream 1, lesson 5 ‘Changing Gears’, a question might be, ‘what are the two gearbox positions that can be selected when starting the vehicle?’ (CURRENT lesson). and ‘what are the two methods for turning a steering wheel?’ (PREVIOUS lesson). An example of a lesson plan is shown below:
What is a 'MicroByte'?
One of the main complaints we have heard is the poor standard of the training material provided. The material is too verbose, confusing, has poor graphics and causes young people to lose attention very quickly.
StreetSafe MicroBytes attempt to counter these complaints by making extensive use of graphics, punchy, short sentences, where possible a single concept per slide (thus ‘micro-bytes), delivered in the training vehicle before and during every lesson using a tablet.
After the training, this material is provided online via our portal to clients.
Rather than flood the trainee with massive training manuals, we offer this information in smaller ‘bytes’ and only after each lesson is concluded.
An example of a MicroByte is shown below.